The objective of this study is to support fundamental analysis for novice investors. To reduce the risk of losing
investments when trading stocks, investors estimate company trends by analyzing news articles and stock market
trends. This is called fundamental analysis. Experienced investors have sufficient knowledge to understand the
relationship between social trends in news articles and a company ʟs circumstances, and they can conduct such
analyses efficiently. However, for beginner investors, fundamental analysis would be a challenging because they
have insufficient knowledge. To support such beginners to conduct fundamental analysis, the behavioral differences
between experienced investors and beginner investors are observed in this study. Subsequently, a behavior model
is developed and a system to support fundamental analysis based on the model is presented.
(本研究の目的は初心者投資家が行うファンダメンタル分析を支援することである. ファンダメンタル分析は,株取引の際のリスクの低減を目的として,投資家が行う分析のひとつである.この分析では,投資家は,ニュース記事や株式市場の傾向を調査し,企業の動向を把握する.経験豊富な投資家は,ニュース記事が示す社会的動向と企業の状況との関係を理解するのに十分な知識を有しているため,こうした情報を統合して効率的に解釈し投資行動を行うことができる.しかし,投資初心者にとっては知識の不足によりファンダメンタル分析を行うことが難しい.このような初心者の分析を支援する端緒として、本稿では投資経験者と投資初心者の行動の違いが観察し,行動モデルを策定し,このモデルに基づいた支援システムのプロトタイプを作成した.)
Book title
The 34th Annual Conference of the Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence
Date of issue
Date of presentation
Yuki Iwasaki, Miku Takenaka, Mitsunori Matsushita. Supporting Fundamental Analysis for Investment Beginners based on Investment Behavior Model, The 34th Annual Conference of the Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence, No.2O1-ES-5-03, 2020.